It’s Time To Oppress Conservatives

Source: The Reframe
by AR Moxon

“Last Tuesday Donald Trump shat his pants on national TV in prime time, and ever since he’s been scooting his butt around on the national carpet trying to dislodge the detritus of loserdom, stumbling around the post-debate media spin tent like a shaved tranquilized bear, and declaring that the whole thing was rigged against him, and also at the same time declaring that he had achieved so much victory that there will be no need for him to debate again. … The existence of people oppresses conservatives, and the sight of others caring for such people oppresses them, and any laws curtailing of the ability to threaten such people oppresses them. It’s never-ending oppression of conservatives out there. You know what? Let’s do it. Let’s actually do it.” (09/14/24)