Elon Musk’s Creepy Politics of Birthing

Source: The Bulwark
by Alan Elrod

“Why make siring offspring such a priority if you don’t actually want to be a father to them? Musk’s position in this area starts to get a bit clearer when you factor in some of his other views: He is an outspoken border hawk and a critic of what he views as a woke attempt to impose a regime of cultural and ethnic diversity in Western countries. Musk’s reply to Taylor Swift may have been an attempt to mockingly belittle her Harris endorsement. But it also treated her as a vessel in this larger ideological framework: She would need to have a child, he was saying, in order to feel political fulfillment. Across today’s hard right, white procreation is being held up as a solution to both America’s demographic challenges and its political and cultural ones.” (09/13/24)
