A Second Trump Presidency Would be Terrible for the Economy

Source: The Bulwark
by Mona Charen

“It would not seem to be a tough call for undecideds, and yet, as we know from surveys, most low-information voters will not be prioritizing preserving democracy, the rule of law, or America’s role in the world when they come to decide whom to support. If the polls are correct, their decisions will rest heavily on the economy. A June Washington Post survey found that 61 percent of undecided voters rate the economy as the most important issue in the election, and 50 percent rated inflation as the top concern for the nation. … This is where Trump’s gross misbehavior may serve him well. His opponents spend so much time responding to his flagrant lies, unprecedented threats, invitations to violence, and crude sexual innuendos that we have little bandwidth to deal with his completely fantastical and absurd policy proposals.” (09/12/24)
