Innovations in care delivery can improve access to primary care for Medicaid beneficiaries

Source: Niskanen Center
by Lawson Mansell & Daphne Hansell

“This year, the House passed the Medicaid Primary Care Improvement Act (H.3836) sponsored by Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) and Rep. Kim Schrier (D-WA). The legislation ensures that state Medicaid programs can contract with direct primary care (DPC) providers, a membership-based primary care model that gives patients virtually unlimited access to a doctor for an affordable monthly fee. The primary care shortage necessitates innovation in care models and state financing to ensure access to primary care physicians. The passage of H.3836 would facilitate easier access for Medicaid patients to receive consistent and reliable preventive care, thereby optimizing the safety net that Medicaid provides to low-income Americans and enhancing the healthcare options available to patients.” (09/12/24)