What Broke Libertarianism?

Source: Brownstone Institute
by Jeffrey A Tucker

“Libertarianism had for decades if not centuries condemned overweening government power, industrial cronyism, interventions in commerce freedom, and the deployment of coercion in place of the free and voluntary choices of the population. … All that libertarianism had long opposed reached its apotheosis of absurdity in four years …. There was never a better time for libertarianism to scream: we told you so, so stop doing this. And not only for purposes of being right but also in order to provide light for a post-lockdown future, one that would promote confidence in self-organizing social orders rather than central managers. Instead, where are we? There is every bit of evidence that libertarianism, as a cultural and ideological force, has never been more marginal.” [editor’s note: Libertarianism isn’t broken; Tucker’s relentless single-issue focus on COVID-19 authoritarianism is stale. There’s a difference – TLK] (09/10/24)
