Overhaul for the Uninsured?

Source: American Institute for Economic Research
by James C Capretta

“On September 9, 2009, President Barack Obama addressed a special joint session of Congress and implored the assembled legislators to ensure all Americans, without exception, were enrolled in secure and affordable health insurance. Referring to the uninsured, he said ‘we are the only … wealthy nation that allows such hardships for millions of its people.’ Universal coverage advocates rejoiced as they sensed the best opportunity in memory to reach their long-sought objective. In March 2010, after a heated debate, Congress approved the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on a party-line vote. In the years that followed, those who fought for its passage have become even more convinced that the debate marked a seminal moment in US social policy. And yet Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein, two of the nation’s most accomplished health economists, see what occurred differently.” (09/10/24)
