So It’s War, Then?

Source: Common Sense
by Paul Jacob

“About the South China Sea situation, what needs to be said? Not about it, but to the Chinese government. ‘We’ve said everything we possibly can say,’ Gatestone Institute senior fellow Gordon Chang told Fox Business News, expounding on what he thinks the United States’[s] next step should be. ‘We are done talking with you and we’re now going to start to act. And in the South China Sea, unfortunately that means we need to flood the zone with the U.S. Navy and Air Force to show that we will defend our ally the Philippines.’ This is, he explains, ‘one of those moments like Czechoslovakia in 1938 or Poland in 1939. It’s that serious.’ Serious, indeed: ominous. I think he’s likely correct, but he’s talking about possible escalation to war.” (09/10/24)