Orwell Exposed the Cowardice of Journalists

Source: Mindset Shifts
by Barry Brownstein

“Respect for journalists is at an all-time low: ‘Only 32% of the population reports having ‘a great deal’ or ‘a fair amount’ of confidence that the media reports the news in a full, fair and accurate way.’ What is the reason behind the persistent clownish and unprofessional behavior of so many journalists? Donald Trump’s and RFK Jr.’s names causes them to froth at the mouth. They breathlessly give non-stop updates on every Trump indictment and trial but are not interested in reporting on the foreign-influence scandals investigating Joe and Hunter Biden. The media once considered Kamala Harris a liability to Biden, but now they praise her. … Yes, things are getting worse, but the basic tale is an old, tired one. George Orwell had little hope that a free press would expose the lies of totalitarians.” (09/06/24)
