Urbanist dreams foiled by lousy big-city governments

Source: Orange County Register
by Steven Greenhut

“One of the silliest things about the urbanism movement is its insistence that suburbanites abandon single-family homes, spacious yards and placid neighborhoods for the excitement of big-city living. In those cities, we can supposedly experience more ‘community,’ reduce our carbon footprint and take a bike to buy overpriced groceries at a bodega rather than drive our SUV to Costco. By all means, developers should be free to build whatever the market demands – including characterless multi-family box housing. I dislike zoning and couldn’t care less that my single-family suburban house is near duplexes and stores. But I often wonder why advocates for urban living rarely grapple with a main reason many people won’t live in cities: the incompetence of urban governments.” (09/06/24)
