Who Lost Afghanistan?

Source: The Dispatch
by Kevin D Williamson

“‘He fights!’ they say. But not when it matters. Donald Trump has decided that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is a winning issue in the election he is currently losing to Kamala Harris. And the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was, indeed, a fiasco, possibly the lowest moment in the generally feckless and incompetent administration of Joe Biden, something like a humiliating reenactment of the flight from Saigon. But, of course, there is more to the story. Predictably, Trump is about as honest about foreign policy as he is about his golf score. If he wants to know how the U.S. lost Afghanistan, he need only consult the cheeseburger-eating surrender monkey in the mirror.” [editor’s note: The US lost in Afghanistan as soon as it decided to change the objective from “liquidate al Qaeda” to “turn the place into a western-style ‘liberal democracy’ – TLK] (09/06/24)
