Why the Political Establishment Won’t Touch the Chronic Disease Issue

Source: Ludwig von Mises Institute
by Connor O’Keeffe

“Two weeks ago, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign for president. In his nearly hour-long speech explaining the decision, Kennedy highlighted what he sees as the three biggest issues facing the United States. The first two — the threat to free speech and the danger of the war in Ukraine — are familiar to anyone following the daily political fights happening online and in the traditional media. But when Kennedy got to his third concern, it was striking how absent any discussion of it has been from our hyper-active national discourse. The issue was the scale of chronic disease affecting the American population and, especially, American children. Kennedy explicitly called this ‘the most important issue’ and, as he laid out the scale of the problem, it’s easy to see why he feels that way.” (09/04/24)
