The Canard of a “Hamiltonian Foreign Policy”

Source: Libertarian Institute
by Aaron Sobczak

“Walter Russell Mead asserts in a new piece in Foreign Affairs that what he labels ‘Jacksonian national populism’ and ‘Jeffersonian isolationism’ have both made a significant comeback in the twenty-first century. According to Mead, George W. Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq mirrors Jacksonian populism, and Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 signalled the collapse of neoconservatism in the American electorate. Shockingly, he also asserts that both parties have been dominated by restraint and free trade. seen restraint and free trade as being dominant. His article emphasizes the collapse of liberal globalism, and the importance of a return to Hamiltonian foreign policy. What is a Hamiltonian foreign policy? Mead’s inconsistent, utopian opinion is that Alexander Hamilton’s focus was essentially neo-colonialist and mercantilist in nature.” (09/03/24)