California Advances Bills to Ban Thicker, Reusable Plastic Bags That It Previously Required

Source: Independent Institute
by Adam Summers

“California first adopted a statewide ban on ‘single-use’ plastic bags with the passage of Senate Bill 270 in 2014. After being held up by a referendum in November 2016, voters narrowly approved Proposition 67, thereby implementing SB 270. As a recent Mercury News report revealed, however, Democratic lawmakers who had plastic bag factories in their districts successfully lobbied for the inclusion of a provision in the bill that would allow the use of thicker plastic bags marked as recyclable. However, people treated the thicker, ‘reusable’ plastic bags the same as the previous ‘single-use’ bags, which was entirely predictable. … Now, a pair of identical bills, SB 1053 and Assembly Bill 2236, would ban those thicker plastic bags and force grocery stores and retailers to sell paper bags made from at least 50 percent recycled paper for a minimum of 10 cents apiece, or reusable bags made of cloth or other washable textiles.” (06/26/24)