When Big Business Fails, Small Shops Prevail

Source: Foundation for Economic Education
by Kimberlee Josephson

“A few weeks ago, I accidentally dropped my phone, and the screen shattered. The phone itself still worked—I could hear notifications, and calls could come in — but without the function of the touch screen, it was completely unusable. What made matters worse was that I had recently embarked on a month-long commitment for teaching a study abroad course in the Netherlands. … I met up with my students for a city tour and lunch, and while chomping on some baguette sandwiches, I shared my plight. One of the students said, ‘Why don’t you just get it fixed?’ I wondered if the student had been listening to me at all, since I had just vented about my attempts with both Verizon and Apple. … before I knew it, a quick search on their fully functioning phones showed that there were at least two repair shops within a short walking distance.” (06/23/24)
