Kennedy, Oliver, and Trump vow to pardon Silk Road’s Ross Ulbricht. Biden ignores him.

Source: Palm Beach Examiner
by Karl Dickey

“The Silk Road was an online black market, launched in 2011 by Ross Ulbricht under the pseudonym ‘Dread Pirate Roberts.’ Silk Road offered users the ability to buy and sell goods and services anonymously using Bitcoin. … as the government always does, when they see a truly private free market in action, without them getting their cut, the FBI went on a manhunt for this Dead Pirate Roberts character and Ulbricht was ultimately arrested in 2013 in San Francisco, charging him with money laundering, computer hacking, and conspiracy to traffic narcotics without a license to do so. Ulbricht was ultimately sentenced to two life sentences without the possibility of parole. … Now, in the 2024 election season underway, campaign promises to pardon Ross Ulbricht are flying around with all but Joe Biden promising to free ross from federal prison.” (06/21/24)