Trump Is Haunted by Abortion — He Should Be

Source: The Bulwark
by AB Stoddard

“Last week Donald Trump came to Capitol Hill to meet with congressional Republicans about the GOP’s policy agenda for next year when, they all confidently assume, Republicans will control the Congress and the presidency. But instead of a discussion of tax rates, or the urgent need to pass new immigration restrictions, Republicans listened to Trump’s trademark ‘rambling’ shtick — a performance one participant likened to ‘talking to your drunk uncle at the family reunion.’ Trump did make clear his one policy priority, however …. Republicans should not avoid [abortion] as Democrats emphasize the issue, Trump warned. Republicans must support exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. They need to ‘be smart.’ When Democrats mark the second anniversary of the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade next week, Trump will be hating it.” (06/18/24)