Home-testing boom leaves worriers clutching their pearls

Source: Orange County Register
by Steven Greenhut

“Thanks to clever inventions and investments from venture capitalists, the average American can head to CVS and purchase kits to test for drug use, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDs, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. This should strike normal people as a blessing. But this remarkable development has upset the professional worriers. The Washington Post recently spotlighted a ‘shadow system’ of such tests. ‘Buoyed by regulatory vacuums, Silicon Valley is building a booming online wellness market that aims to leave the doctor’s office behind,’ it explained. … This sounds so, well, ominous, but there’s no reason DIY tests will cause anyone to avoid a doctor. I had recent health concerns and made a doctor’s appointment. Given our overburdened system, the soonest appointment I could get was months away. I bought test strips at the pharmacy, which helped alleviate my worries.” (06/14/24)
