UN Human Rights Office Says IDF’s Deadly Nuseirat Raid May Amount to War Crime

Source: Common Dreams

“Citing the ‘principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution’ that international humanitarian law demands military forces obey, the United Nations’ top human rights office on Tuesday said the raid conducted at Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza by the Israel Defense Forces over the weekend may amount to a war crime. The IDF conducted the operation at the camp in the central Gaza Strip in order to free four Israeli hostages who were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, and Jeremy Laurence, spokesperson for the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) told reporters their release was ‘clearly very good news.’ But the OHCHR, Laurence said, is ‘profoundly shocked at the impact on civilians of the Israeli forces’ operation,’ which killed at least 274 Palestinians, including 64 children and 57 women, according to the Palestine Red Crescent Society.” (06/11/24)
