Trump is being persecuted — but for real misdeeds

Source: Washington Post
by Ramesh Ponnuru

“Of course Donald Trump is being persecuted. That’s not to say that he is innocent of all charges, or to deny that the prosecutors — and the millions of Americans rooting for them — are partly motivated by their conviction that he is a serial lawbreaker. But he wouldn’t be facing all of these charges all at once if he were not a serious contender for president. … Trump isn’t just playing the victim. He is a victim of unfair, law-bending prosecution. When we think about political persecution, however, we typically have in mind someone who has done nothing wrong but challenge the powerful. That’s not the picture here: In each of these cases, Trump’s underlying conduct is indefensible. That fact helps to explain the widespread support for the legal campaign against Trump. His efforts to stay in power after losing the 2020 election, especially, were despicable.” (04/23/24)