Artificial Intelligence and Irrational Fears

Source: Ludwig von Mises Institute
by Jim Fedako

“Where’s Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead? Seriously, what list of the greatest rock guitarists of all time would not — could not — include him? Sure, I know the internet article was just some teaser to get me to mindlessly click through an ad-laden list. But still, no Garcia. I object: Who wrote this article? And that is the question of the day: ‘Who wrote this article?’ Was it really written by the suspicious name on the byline …. Or, as happens more frequently these days, were the words the product of a large language model (LLM), a class of artificial intelligence (AI) models …. Yes, the AI model, the complex statistical models whose genesis, as the hysteria goes, we will rue when it rules our future. … Models that will destroy jobs and abrogate totalitarian powers. But is that true?” (04/16/24)