Source: New York Post
by Glenn H Reynolds
“Washington, DC, is riddled with parasites sucking the life out of our nation. Time for a thorough deworming. Jonathan Rauch, in a book by the same name, called it ‘demosclerosis.’ Mancur Olson, in his classic ‘The Rise and Decline of Nations,’ called it a ‘web of special interests.’ I call it ‘the parasite class.’ All refer to a collection of bureaucrats, lobbyists, contractors, nonprofits, non-governmental organizations and connected unions and corporations that have increasingly run our federal government for their own benefit, fattening themselves with the help of diverted taxpayer dollars. I confess that until recently, I assumed nothing could be done about these problems until an unmistakable financial collapse took place …. That has all changed now.” [editor’s note: Sad to see that Reynolds has descended into Trump Derangement Syndrome, positive variant – TLK] (03/12/25)