Van Jones praises Trump for “very good choice” with new pardon czar pick

Source: Fox News

“Former Obama advisor Van Jones praised President Donald Trump for his newly-appointed ‘pardon czar,’ Alice Marie Johnson. On Thursday, Trump appointed Johnson, a woman he pardoned during his first term, as ‘pardon czar’ during a Black History Month event at the White House. Johnson had previously been convicted of nonviolent drug trafficking in Memphis, Tennessee and, after serving 21 years, her life sentence was commuted by Trump. Jones praised the president for this latest appointment as he spoke to liberal commentator Donny Deutsch on Monday’s episode of the ‘On Brand’ podcast. ‘He put Miss Alice Johnson – the formerly incarcerated Black woman who he freed while working with Kim Kardashian – he just put her in charge of pardons. That’s huge,’ Jones said.” (02/26/25)