Will Hegseth Nomination Bring Us Closer to Mutually Assured Destruction?

Source: Common Dreams
by Robert C Koehler

“Uh oh, nukes coming in. Should we retaliate? This strikes me as the stupidest question a human being could ask — and, just possibly, also the last. Our enemy of the moment is loosing hell on us (if warning signals are accurate), so let’s do the same back at them. If we kill more of them than they kill of us, we win! Yes, human life — all life — will likely be destroyed in a nuclear war, but that’s just the way things work. That’s not our concern. Among the global superpowers, this scenario remains etched into the meaning of self-defense: the ability to retaliate, no matter the consequences of doing so. The marketing slogan, of course, is ‘deterrence.'” (01/18/25)
