The Essential Incoherence of the End of the Biden Presidency

Source: The American Prospect
by David Dayen

“Over the past seven days, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division sued private equity firm KKR for simply failing to inform the agency about mergers as per the law on 16 occasions, sued to block a merger between the two largest business travel agents, and issued joint guidelines on what business practices affecting workers violate antitrust laws. The Federal Trade Commission sued John Deere for preventing farmers from fixing their own equipment, released a staff report showing pharmacy benefit managers executing insane markups of 1,000 percent or more on prescription drugs, finalized updates to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule to prevent companies from monetizing kids’ personal data, clarified that independent contractors and gig workers could organize unions without violating antitrust laws, and took action against GoDaddy for failed data security policies.” (01/17/25)