Why Do Terrorists Rarely Hit China?

Source: Town Hall
by Mark Lewis

“Have you ever noticed how China never seems to have these mass terrorist attacks that plague America? Ever wondered why? I know there are multiple reasons, and the issue shouldn’t be oversimplified. Perhaps the main reason the Muslim terrorists usually target America is that our country has been Israel’s main defender for the past 75+ years. That has changed somewhat under Biden, but not enough to assuage 7th century barbarians. China hasn’t shown such overt support for Israel, thus hasn’t angered the Muslim world quite like America has. But there are other reasons why these terrorist attacks never seem to hit China. China has a controlled immigration policy, so crazy Muslims who fly planes into buildings or drive cars into hordes of pedestrians don’t often get into the country. But let me suggest a few other reasons China doesn’t have a terrorist problem.” (01/02/25)
