Source: The American Prospect
by Sean Eifert
“Residents of Washington County in southwestern Pennsylvania have seen the costs and benefits of hydraulic fracturing, colloquially known as ‘fracking.’ It’s the most heavily fracked county in Pennsylvania, which is itself the second-largest natural gas-producing state, just behind Texas. But Lois Bower-Bjornson, the southwestern Pennsylvania field organizer for Clean Air Council and resident of Washington County, says that Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare cancer, has ravaged the area. A few of her friends and acquaintances have been diagnosed with cancer: Some have died; others have had limbs amputated. ‘Something’s wrong here,’ she says. In a 2023 study, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Pittsburgh found that children living within a half-mile of fracking wells were at higher risk for developing lymphoma than children five miles away.” (10/31/24)