Israel’s Attacks on Lebanon Aren’t an Opportunity for Anything But More Bloodshed

Source: Common Dreams
by James Zogby

“It’s galling to hear policymakers in the U.S., Israel, and elsewhere suggest that the devastating blows Israel has dealt to Hezbollah and Lebanon have created ‘an opportunity to put Lebanon on a better path.’ First and foremost, it’s horribly insensitive. There are, to date, thousands dead, major sections of Beirut destroyed, and one-quarter of Lebanon’s people internally displaced without adequate shelter, food, and services. And the toll continues to mount. To suggest that good can from this enormous human tragedy is disgraceful. Such a view not only dishonors the victims, but also is akin to putting ‘ashes in the mouths’ of those who’ve lost loved ones and are in mourning. This mindset is also dangerously naive as it ignores the lessons of history.” (10/15/24)