Big Fiscal or Big Business

Source: The American Prospect
by Max Moran

“Democratic Party progressives have largely projected solidarity with Kamala Harris against the greater threat of a second Trump term, despite a campaign pitched directly at the moderate Republican voter. However, her embrace of high-dollar fundraising from the financial and technology industries has prompted consternation. To wonkish lefties, one of the big questions is whether, if elected, Harris will maintain the carefully brokered intra-Democratic detente on economic issues established by her current boss, President Joe Biden. That will be especially relevant if Democrats manage to gain control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. Under similar conditions a few years ago, with the thinnest of majorities, progressives unexpectedly became Biden’s most loyal allies as he delivered a slew of employment- and worker-focused spending bills and policies nicknamed ‘Big Fiscal.'” (10/14/24)