Texas Will Mess With You

Source: The American Prospect
by Christopher Hooks

“Goliad County, Texas, is a pleasant jurisdiction of about 7,000 people nestled in the state’s coastal plain, on an indirect driving route from San Antonio to Corpus Christi. It is generally unremarkable except for its historical sites, which recount centuries of resistance to central, and federal, authority. … During the Mexican War of Independence, the opponents of New Spain hid here. When Texans chose to revolt, the Mexican army massacred some 425 prisoners of war here, causing Anglo soldiers to cry Goliad’s name for the rest of the war. After Goliad voted in favor of secession in 1861, it prospered as a stop on the Cotton Road, by which planters would smuggle their crops to Mexico past that tyrant Abraham Lincoln’s dreaded navy. When the federal army attempted to reconstruct Goliad, the courthouse burned in suspicious circumstances, destroying postwar land deeds.” (10/08/24)
