Are Dems Even a Little Serious About Stopping Private Equity?

Source: The American Prospect
by Maureen Tkacik

“Ralph de la Torre, the abusive former cardiac surgeon who used other people’s money to buy some 43 community hospitals across the United States, then mortgaged them to buy yachts and planes and sumptuous accommodations on at least three continents, is not a man known for his sense of shame. In 2023, de la Torre hired a U.K.-based private intelligence firm called Audere International to orchestrate a ‘false flag operation’ against one of his critics, the short seller stock analysis firm Viceroy Research. Audere in turn deployed a team of operatives to smear Viceroy founder Fraser Perring, including former spy and famed author of the Trump ‘pee tape’ dossier Christopher Steele, whom the firm paid 29,000 pounds to prep British parliamentarian Liam Byrne for a speech he delivered to the House of Commons savaging Perring as an agent of the Kremlin who was working to undermine British defense contractors.” (10/04/24)