California is raising the stakes in the country’s gas stove controversy

Source: SFGate

“Gas stoves sold in California could soon come with a warning to buyers if a bill passed by state lawmakers late last month wins the governor’s signature. Sponsored by Assemblymember Gail Pellerin, a Democrat from Santa Cruz, Assembly Bill 2513 would require gas stoves sold online or in stores in California to come with a label that warns of the dangers of certain air pollutants emitted from the appliances. Gov. Gavin Newsom has until the end of September to sign the bill into law. In a legislative analysis of the bill, Pellerin cited ongoing health concerns with gas stoves that have led state and local governments around the country to consider regulating their use. ‘The emissions from the use of gas stoves inside without the proper ventilation can lead to multiple health problems for Californians,’ she said of the bill.” (09/13/24)