The many, nasty faces of Kamala Harris: VP only reinforced fatal inauthenticity of her debate performance

Source: New York Post
by Miranda Devine

“The smart analysis of the first — and maybe only — debate of the Trump-Harris presidential cycle is that Don­ald Trump blew it. The former president, winging it as usual, missed numerous ‘kill shots,’ was frustratingly imprecise and allowed himself to be baited by Kamala Harris. But on the optics, Harris committed far worse self-harm. If you switched off the sound for the ABC debate Tuesday night and just watched the images, you would come away feeling deep distaste for the haughty flibbertigibbet who kept making faces while Trump was speaking. Harris’[s] split-screen pantomime made her seem unserious and unlikable and was clearly designed for the sort of viral ‘Brat Girl’ moments on social media her juvenile campaign staff imagines are vote winners. Kween! In reality, the novelty value is short-lived and even the Taylor Swift demographic will come to see it as unbecoming.” (09/11/24)