The Debate: Trump’s Lack of Preparation and Harris’s Lies

Source: Town Hall
by Mark Lewis

“Frankly, I wasn’t impressed with either candidate during the debate; I thought the event was pretty lousy. I believe Kamala had more to gain from it; she has been depicted in the past (by Right and Left) as less than mediocre, stumbling, silly, and not a terribly deep-minded person. The Left, of course, now presents her as the Mother of God, but the idea still lingered that she was a bit of a bozo. … She did avoid making a complete fool of herself, but whether she convinced enough people she was ready for the most powerful position on earth remains to be seen. Trump, on the other, needed to appear presidential and avoid being a horse’s behind. I think he accomplished that, but I also think that is about all he accomplished.” [editor’s note: He certainly pulled off “presidential” in fine Dr. Strangelove/Death Race 2000 form – TLK] (09/12/24)