The Debate: Two Assholes Bragging About What Murderous Empire Sluts They Are

Source: Caitlin Johnstone, Rogue Journalist
by Caitlin Johnstone

“If you missed the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this was pretty much the tone of it: Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist. Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me. Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV. Harris: Dick Cheney loves me too. Trump: She won’t kill any Palestinians at all. Harris: I’ll kill way more Palestinians than he’ll kill. Trump: I will kill the most Palestinians. I’ll kill more Palestinians than anyone. Harris: You couldn’t kill even one Palestinian. You are weak. Trump: I am not weak I am strong. I am the strongest. Harris: You’re a weak little girl and you’ll let China win.” [editor’s note: At least this pundit attacks both war party wings, instead of giving one the hall pass to lie as she chooses – SAT] (09/12/24)