Self-medicating gorillas may hold new drugs clues

Source: BBC News [UK State Media]

“Self-medicating gorillas may hold clues to future drug discovery, according to scientists. Researchers in Gabon studied tropical plants eaten by wild gorillas — and used also by local human healers — identifying four with medicinal effects. Laboratory studies revealed the plants were high in antioxidants and antimicrobials. One showed promise in fighting superbugs. Great apes are known to self-medicate by selecting plants with healing properties. A wounded orangutan recently made headlines for using a plant paste to heal an injury. In the latest study, botanists recorded the plants eaten by western lowland gorillas in Gabon’s Moukalaba-Doudou National Park. They selected four trees that were likely to be beneficial, based on interviews with local healers: the fromager tree (Ceiba pentandra), giant yellow mulberry (Myrianthus arboreus), African teak (Milicia excelsa) and fig trees (Ficus).” (09/11/24)