Victoria Nuland Appears to Confirm Key Moment When Ukraine Peace Deal Was Scuttled

Source: Responsible Statecraft
by Mark Episkopos

“Victoria Nuland, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and one of the principal architects of the Biden administration’s Russia policy, has now opined on what is perhaps the foggiest episode in a war distinguished by a nearly impenetrable kind of diplomatic opacity: the April 2022 Istanbul peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Furthermore she acknowledges that there was a deal on the table and that Western powers didn’t like conditions that would have limited Ukraine’s military arsenal, lending credence to the theory that Ukraine’s supporters had a hand in ultimately scuttling it. To be sure, neither the topic nor the content of Nuland’s comments is new. She is but the latest … whose testimony has shed light on the external pressures possibly informing the Zelenskyy government’s fateful decision to pull the plug on Turkish-brokered talks surrounding a draft treaty that would have ended the Ukraine war.” (09/11/24)