The American Billionaires Who Fell In Love With Fascism Are Not the First

Source: Common Dreams
by Mike Lofgren

“In Adam Tooze’s The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy, there is a remarkable description of a February 1933 meeting that occurred shortly after Adolf Hitler was chosen as German chancellor. It is remarkable because it occurred almost a century ago, a prelude to one of the darkest chapters in world history. It is a period that has been thoroughly historicized; yet something about it is eerily familiar and up to date. The newly installed Nazis summoned the oligarchs of German commerce and industry — Krupp, the heads of IG Farben and the largest steel companies, and others — to Hermann Goering’s estate outside Berlin so that Hitler could ‘explain his policies.’ While the moguls expected a dialogue (in deference to their financial power), Hitler appeared late, addressed them at some length, and departed without answering questions.” (06/24/24)