Joe Biden a one-trick-pony with a single act: Blame Donald Trump

Source: New York Post
by Michael Goodwin

“‘Burn our boats!’ came the order from 16th-century Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes. Having landed in the New World, legend has it that he wanted to drive his troops to victory by eliminating their only chance of escape. Joe Biden is nobody’s idea of a swashbuckling adventurer or military leader, but he is adopting a political version of Cortes’[s] gamble. Signs indicate the president is giving up on selling his White House term as a success and betting his re-election campaign on a single message: Donald Trump is bad for America. Make that really, really, really bad. He’ll kill democracy and lock up his opponents. Remember Jan. 6 and, oh, he’s a convicted felon, too. From here to November, that’s the sum and substance of what the president and his surrogates will say.” (06/22/24)