What Do We Mean by Transformative Change?

Source: Common Dreams
by James Gustave Speth

“Progressives and many others agree on one thing: Across a broad front of national life, the American economy and our politics are not delivering good results. The documented truth is that the conditions of life and living in our country are deplorable for most people, with almost all measures of public well-being behind other upper income countries. That has been the case for decades, actually, and is one of the things that accounts for the widespread political disaffection in American today. When combined with extraordinary wealth concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority, the unsurprising result is public anger and resentment. A host of reforms are advocated to improve key aspects of national life: in education, healthcare, child welfare, finance and banking, environmental and climate protection, taxes, social justice, advancement of women, and more.” (06/22/24)
