55 Years of Joe Biden

Source: Town Hall
by Mark Lewis

“Can you imagine having Joe Biden as President of the United States for 55 years? He started in 2020 and he would be President until 2075? Of course, he would have had to start at a younger age, but I’m talking only in conjecture here. It’s doubtful that America would survive 55 years of Biden, but given the last three years, the immorality, the degradation, the utter ungodliness, filth, and decadence the country would have to endure is virtually unimaginable. But try to imagine it anyway. Fifty-five years of Biden. There was, in the 7th century B.C., a king in Judah named Manasseh who was every bit as wicked, though hardly more so, than Joe Biden. And he reigned for 55 years. You can read about him in 2 Kings 21 and 2 Chronicles 33. Almost 55 years of Joe Biden plagued the southern Jewish kingdom, and history tells us they did not long outlive Manasseh’s tenure.” (06/20/24)
