“Not safe here”: Florida family robbed while dropping son off at California college

Source: New York Post

“A Florida family was robbed of all their belongings, including $3,000 and their passports, in California when thieves broke into their rental car while they were dropping their son off at college — with the mom now vowing to bring her son back to the Sunshine State. Rhomel Crossman and his family had just flown into the Bay area from Coconut Creek, Fla. on Saturday to register for classes at Lincoln University in Oakland, KTVU reported. … They parked the SUV a block from the private university around 6:15 p.m. before heading to a nearby Jamaican restaurant to pick up food, leaving their five suitcases inside the car. The family returned 15 minutes later and discovered the SUV’s windows were smashed out, glass scattered around the ground and all of their belongings inside gone.” (06/19/24)
