Birthright Citizenship and the Constitution

Source: Free Association
by Sheldon Richman

“Donald Trump says he wants a ‘revolution of common sense.’ If he means it, he will abandon his unilateral attempt to cancel birthright citizenship, which the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, expressly acknowledges. The opening words of that amendment have a common-sense meaning that requires grotesque mental contortions to evade. Opponents of birthright citizenship will seek refuge in the amendment’s legislative history and case law, but I don’t see how that trumps the plain meaning of words. The amendment says that if you were born in the United States, you are a citizen unless a parent was a foreign diplomat. It’s worth remembering that the debate over birthright citizenship is merely one part of the all-out assault on the freedom to move and work that Trump is spearheading. Since violations of this freedom affect foreigners as well as Americans, the controversy is worth paying attention to.” (01/31/25)