Tribal Loyalties, Lost Liberties: Unheeded Warnings from the Founders

Source: Tenth Amendment Center
by Michael Boldin

‘I would quarrel with both parties, and with every individual of each, before I would subjugate my understanding, or prostitute my tongue or pen to either.’ John Adams didn’t pull any punches. Though his presidency was contentious, this 1763 quote underscores his deep disdain for blind partisanship – a concern shared by many of the Founding Fathers and the thinkers who influenced them – about the perils of political factions and what they called a ‘party spirit.’ They recognized that partisan loyalty would blind people to truth, principle, and liberty itself. Yet here we stand, nearly two-and-a-half centuries later, grappling with a political culture as bitterly divided – and as dominated by factions – as ever. We have clearly ignored their grave warnings for generations.” (01/29/25)