No Tax On Tips: One of Trump’s (And Harris’s) Better Ideas

Source: Garrison Center
by Thomas L Knapp

“Usually the phrase ‘bipartisan agreement’ raises the hairs on the back of my neck. When politicians from both ‘major parties’ agree on something, anything, it’s usually terrible news for the rest of us. ‘Bipartisanship’ has given us everything from the warfare state to the surveillance state to the federal government’s ‘Make America East Germany Again’ immigration approach. But IF we’re going to have taxes (we shouldn’t), and IF we’re going to have income tax (we shouldn’t), and IF that income tax excludes your gift of up to $19,000 per year per recipient (it does), then common sense tells us that your 15% gift to a restaurant server or $5 gift to a delivery worker, etc. shouldn’t be taxed.” (01/26/25)