How Peaceniks Can Call Trump’s Bluff

Source: Nonzero Newsletter
by Robert Wright

“During Donald Trump’s first presidential term, many progressives got in the habit of opposing just about any foreign policy initiative the administration advanced—even policies that would have ordinarily passed progressive muster. Writing in The Nation, Matt Duss, a former Bernie Sanders adviser who is now at the Center for International Policy, argues for kicking that habit. ‘Just as we decide which Biden policies are the baby and which are the bathwater,’ writes Duss, ‘we should do the same for Trump.’ Duss is, in essence, urging left-of-center Americans to resist one of the temptations associated with ‘negative partisanship’ — namely, defining your ideology as the opposite of whatever the other political tribe’s ideology is. As we saw during Trump’s first term, this sort of reflexive politics can lead Democrats to adopt more hawkish positions than they might otherwise embrace.” (12/20/24)