Source: Brownstone Institute
by Filipe Rafaeli
“I was called an ‘anti-vaccine activist’ in an article by Olavo Amaral, a doctor, writer, and professor at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), published in Nexo Jornal, a major Brazilian media outlet. The article, titled The Silent Revenge of Hydroxychloroquine, finally acknowledges the undeniable effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. It was no longer possible to ignore the 418 clinical studies on hydroxychloroquine or to keep repeating canned phrases like ‘proven ineffective,’ as the media — guided by either paid pro-Big Pharma science communicators or naive followers — had insisted on doing since the pandemic’s start. After all, it was a study from the University of Oxford, one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.” (11/25/24)