Supreme Court Unleashes Censors and Betrays Democracy

by James Bovard

“On the eve of the first presidential candidate debate, the Supreme Court gave a huge boost to Joe Biden to help him ‘fix’ the 2024 election with maybe its worst decision of the year. It remains to be seen whether the court’s refusal to stop federal censorship will be a wooden stake in the credibility of American democracy. The court ruled in the case of Murthy v. Missouri, a lawsuit brought by individuals censored on social media thanks to federal threats and machinations. … In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court gave the benefit of the doubt to federal browbeating, arm-twisting, and jawboning, regardless of how many Americans are wrongfully muzzled. The Biden censorship industrial complex triumphed because most Supreme Court justices could not be bothered to honestly examine the massive evidence of its abuses.” (09/25/24)