The Reason for No Declarations of War Since WW II

Source: Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G Hornberger

“As everyone knows, the U.S. government has not declared war against another country since World War II. Everyone also knows that the Constitution prohibits the federal government from waging war without a declaration of war from Congress. Yet, everyone also knows that since World War II, the U.S. government has waged undeclared wars against many nation-states, such as North Korea, North Vietnam, Cuba, Grenada, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and others. Everyone also knows that under the Constitution, it is the responsibility of the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary to enforce the Constitution against the other branches of the federal government. … The question no one asks is: Why didn’t the Supreme Court fulfill its responsibility by declaring those wars unconstitutional and enjoining the executive branch from waging them?” (09/23/24)