“The Electoral College is So Stupid,” part 2

Source: Town Hall
by Mark Lewis

“There can be many different ways of choosing a country’s chief executive. America’s Founders created a historically unique one called the ‘Electoral College.’ It is debatable whether it is the best system, but it has worked well enough in American history. The Left hates it because it elected Donald Trump in 2016, even though Hillary Clinton received the most ‘popular votes.’ However, if the situation had been reversed (Clinton won the EC and Trump the popular vote) I doubt you would hear a peep out of the Left about it. As noted in several previous articles, our Founding Fathers were not believers in democracy. ‘Democracy is the vile form of government,’ wrote James Madison, the man given most credit for producing our Constitution. Yet, a legitimate government must come from ‘the consent of the governed’ because ‘all men are created equal.'” (09/01/24)
