Will the Care Agenda [sic] Make It This Time?

Source: The American Prospect
by David Dayen

“Given the close presidential race, reflecting on future legislative priorities in 2025 may sound premature. But Kamala Harris has signaled strongly that, if elected, one of her top priorities would be the set of policies grouped together as the care economy. This includes child care, early-childhood education, paid family and medical leave, and in-home support services for people with disabilities or the elderly. A combination of investments and public programs have been proposed to either improve affordability and access for people needing caregiving, ensure living-wage careers for caregivers, or both. ‘It does feel like the stars are aligning and that this is the care ticket,’ said Ai-jen Poo, director of Caring Across Generations, one of the major advocates for this agenda.” (08/30/24)
